REALTOR® Recognition Night Survey 2023 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.TimingIn your opinion, does REALTOR® Recognition Night fall in the right month for the celebration?YesNoDo you have a suggestions for an alternative month/date?Did you feel the timing of the event program could be improved?No. Timing was perfectYes. Too longYes. Too shortAtmosphereIn your opinion, was this the right venue for the REALTOR® Recognition Night?YesNoDo you have a suggestions for an alternative location?Did the food and beverage options meet your expectations? YesNoPlease provide any suggestions on how we could improve the food or beverage options.Year Over YearWhat was the highlight of the evening for you?In your opinion, is the event missing anything in the program?YesNoPlease provide any suggestions that would make this event be the best it can be.Future ForwardHow likely are you to attend this event next year?Will not miss itVery likelyPossibly, if my calendar is openNot likelyRate Your Overall Experience At RRNRate 1 out of 5Rate 2 out of 5Rate 3 out of 5Rate 4 out of 5Rate 5 out of 5Are there any suggestions you have for next year's REALTOR® Recognition Night in Regina?Submit SRA Communications2023-04-10T13:12:59-06:00April 10th, 2023|