2023 Commercial Luncheon Planning Survey Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.EmailIf you are available for us to follow-up for clarification purposes, please include your email address. Preferred time of day for Commercial presentations. *Breakfast - 8:00 am - 9:00 am Lunch - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Late Afternoon 3:30 - 4:30 pm Preferred day of the week. *Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Preferred location *Corporate Rental SpaceRestaurant or Lounge SRA OfficeWhen would you like networking to be incorporated. *Before the speaker presentationAfter the speaker presentation NeitherI would be interested in inviting a commercial industry non-member guest to attend our luncheons with the understanding that a fee would be incurred by my guest. *Yes NoI am more likely to attend a Commercial Luncheon if the following apply. *I receive a call from a Commercial Committee Member I receive an email at least two weeks in advance If I can arrive without having to RSVPPlease select all session topics you would be interested in attending. *Share Sale Classification Commercial Economic Outlook Entertainment District Updates Land Development By Municipalities Local Developer Land Release Forecasts Occupancy Classification Appraisal Institute Annual UpdateLong term Plan Updates – University DevelopmentUniversity of Saskatchewan 2050 UpdatePermitting Process Changes Topic, Location, and Format RecommendationsSubmit Jennifer Lamontagne2022-12-02T15:47:57-06:00December 2nd, 2022|